
Friday, August 19, 2011

Wedding Invitation Wording and Etiquette

Wedding planning
There are many questions on the best way to word wedding invitations. Everyone's family situation is different and it can be difficult to find the correct wording for your specific situation. I will include a couple common ways to word your invitations and then some more unique situations that require more thought.
Wedding planning
When wording wedding invitations it is always important to include the details of your wedding. This includes the couple's names, the location, and the time. Additional information such as the registry, reception details, directions, and RSVP instructions are usually included as inserts with the invitation itself. You can always make your invitation more unique by using specialized fonts for wedding invitations.

• For a more religious wedding invitation (recognizing the bride's family)
Wedding planning
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hucul

request the honor of your presence

at the marriage of their daughter

Jacqueline Ann


Michael Andrew Johnson

Saturday, the twenty-sixth of March
Wedding planning
Two thousand and eleven

At half past two in the afternoon

St. Peter's Church

6161 Chambersburg Road

Huber Heights, Ohio

Reception to follow

• For an informal wedding invitation (recognizing the bride's family)

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hucul

invite you to share in the celebration
Wedding planning
of the marriage of their daughter

Jacqueline Ann


Michael Andrew Johnson

Saturday, the twenty-sixth of March

Two thousand and eleven

At half past two in the afternoon

Cox Arboretum

Dayton, Ohio

Reception to follow

• For a more religious wedding invitation (recognizing both families)

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hucul

request the honor of your presence

at the marriage of their daughter

Jacqueline Ann


Michael Andrew Johnson

Son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnson

Saturday, the twenty-sixth of March

Two thousand and eleven

At half past two in the afternoon

St. Peter's Church

6161 Chambersburg Road

Huber Heights, Ohio

Reception to follow

• For an informal wedding invitation (recognizing both families)

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hucul

invite you to share in the celebration

of the marriage of their daughter

Jacqueline Ann


Michael Andrew Johnson

Son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnson

Saturday, the twenty-sixth of March

Two thousand and eleven

At half past two in the afternoon

Cox Arboretum

Dayton, Ohio

Reception to follow

• Optional way to include both families

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hucul &

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnson

request the pleasure of your company

at the marriage of their children

Jacqueline Ann


Michael Andrew

Saturday, the twenty-sixth of March

Two thousand and eleven

At half past two in the afternoon

Cox Arboretum

Dayton, Ohio

Reception to follow

• No parents included

You are invited to the celebration

of the beginning of our new life together

Jacqueline Ann Hucul


Michael Andrew Johnson

Saturday, the twenty-sixth of March

Two thousand and eleven

At half past two in the afternoon

Cox Arboretum

Dayton, Ohio

Reception to follow These are some of the most common ways to word an invitation. I will give some examples of the more uncommon ways to word an invitation below. I will leave out the date and location as these do not change based on family situations. Some of these examples will only show the bride's family, but you can take the idea and use the full examples above to get the perfect wording for your wedding invitation.

• Divorced Parents - Religious wedding

Ms. Carol Gudneau and Mr. Michael Hucul

request the honor of your presence

at the marriage of their daughter

Jacqueline Ann


Michael Andrew Johnson

• Divorced Parents - Informal wedding invitation (one parent used)

Mr. [Mrs.] Michael Hucul

requests the honor of your presence

at the marriage of his daughter

Jacqueline Ann


Michael Andrew Johnson

• Divorced and remarried parents - Formal wedding invitation

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hucul

request the honor of your presence

at the marriage of his [her] daughter

Jacqueline Ann Hucul

daughter of Mr. [Mrs.] John Griggs

to Michael Andrew Johnson

• Divorced and remarried parents - Informal wedding invitation

Mike and Beth Hucul

invite you to the wedding of his daughter

Jacqueline Ann Hucul

daughter of Carol Gudneau

to Michael Andrew Johnson

• Deceased parent

Mrs. Carol Hucul and the late Michael Hucul

requests the honor of your presence

at the marriage of her daughter

Jacqueline Ann


Michael Andrew Johnson

• Deceased parent on one side and recognizing both families

Mrs. Carol Hucul and the late Michael Hucul

along with Mrs. and Mr. Alex Johnson

request the honor of your presence

at the marriage of their children

Jacqueline Ann


Michael Andrew Johnson

• Deceased and remarried parent

Mrs. and Mr. John Griggs

requests the honor of your presence

at the marriage of her daughter

Jacqueline Ann

daughter of the late Michael Hucul

to Michael Andrew Johnson

I hope this has helped in wording your wedding invitation for your special day. Please let me know if there is any other wording etiquette you would like to see posted! Our most popular wedding invitations can be found! Kristin_Hucul